What are Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children?

crystal indigo and rainbow children

Have you ever heard of Indigo, Crystal, or Rainbow Children? Me neither. That is until a couple of days ago, when I listened to an episode of The Line podcast with Ashley Wood. On there, she talked about her child being a Crystal Child. Me being the ever curious – especially when it comes to all things spiritual – I immediately did a deep research.

What are Star Children?

According to Nikki Pattillo from the website starchildren.info, Star Children are children who have been sent to Earth from all over the Universe (some even argue they are ‘fallen stars’) to help in the upleveling of our planet. They come with special psychic, spiritual, and other sensory gifts. Star Children usually choose the parents that best fit their needs to reach their highest potential. 

Indigo Children

In the 1970s, the idea was further developed by Nancy Ann Tappe and then later by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober introducing the term Indigo Children. Tappe noticed that more and more children were born with indigo auras during the late 1960s and early 1970s. There is also the believe that the 1980s and 1990s were high points of their births, but also that many are still born today.

Some argue that the term was coined against the increasing overmedication of children who apparently have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. as a way to explain their child’s behavior. Something I can totally get behind.

Traits of Indigo children

Indigo Children showcase many different traits. It’s important to notice that these are somewhat generalized and that not all traits apply to every Indigo Child. They are usually highly intelligent, very empathetic, often perceived as strange, possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose, highly intuitive as well as:

Creative: Indigo Children are oftentimes highly creative, expressing their many experiences from their past lives (which they can’t always fully comprehend) as well as their emotions through writing, painting, dancing or singing. They also tackle problems from a unique angle. On the downside, they quickly get bored by reality as their imaginary world is far more entertaining. 

Rebellious: As the highly insightful and creative beings they are, they often struggle with strict rules and governments. Thus, trying to break from societal norms and finding their own way in life. Others decide to rebel, peacefully but with determination. This behavior may lead to Indigo Children appearing as introverts. In reality it is just their way to retreat from all the negativity in the world. 

Emotional: The emotions of an Indigo Child can be like a rollercoaster. At times, they feel like the navel of the world and are very aware of their very important mission on this planet, and at other times, they feel total worthless and like they have no purpose at all. Consequently, they often suffer from mental illness or addiction. 

Skilled: Indigo Children come with various unique skills such as an incredible memory that is usually very useful later in life. Most of them are drawn to technology, probably to help them reach more people with their message. They also have high vibrational energy levels that helps them to easily communicate with spiritual beings. Their nightmares in childhood are often caused by spiritual visitors.  

Indigo Children came to this earth to challenge the existing system. Something their previous generation had no problem coping with. They are preparing us for the next, even more evolved generation: the Cystral Children.  

what are indigo crystal and rainbow children
Crystal Children

Crystal Children were born between 1990-2010 (some of them even earlier). They came to lead us back to love and peace and teach us to live in unity instead of individually. Many of them hold the gifts of clairvoyance and healing. Their aura appears to be octarine, not visible to the human eye, and therefore called ‘crystal’. 

Traits of Crystal Children

Crystal Children are very forgiving but also sensitive, warm, and caring. These traits mustn’t become confused with weakness, as these children are very powerful. They also have the ability to talk to people who passed away and are very simple, solely enjoying nature and the beauty of the world. Not so when it comes to crystals they see and like. Then they are in over their head to possess this crystal. This is quite normal as crystals serve as healing tools for them to enhance their natural ability to heal and help others. 

Other characteristics include:

  • Long-lasting relationships
  • Love for music
  • Sensitivity to small things
  • Calming presence
  • Good at meditation

For a Crystal Child to truly thrive, busy environments and too much stress must be avoided. It is normal for those children to start speaking at an older age (usually around 4) as they have the ability to communicate with their minds. They will display magical abilities that have never been seen before and will make it possible to manipulate energy in new ways. This oftentimes leads to problems with electricity. 

Ultimately, Crystal Children teach us to see the creation of miracles as a normal activity, to honor our planet as well as ourselves, and to live in the present moment, not influenced by the past or the future. They show us to live from our heart, to forgive, and to be tolerant.

Rainbow Children 

Rainbow children came to the Earth in 2000. Some were even born before that to test the grounds. They are usually born to Crystal children from the late 1980s. Their aura holds are few more spectrum of ray color. They are born with a huge heart and bring joy and harmony to their families. Negative emotions don’t impact them as much as they are quickly able to recover. They are psychic and can read people’s feelings. Their strong connection to color mirrors in their colorful clothes and them being naturally drawn to color. 

Traits of Rainbow Children

These children also come with their unique traits. They don’t fear anything and know exactly where their protection lies. Some may argue that you experience divinity by looking into the eyes of a Rainbow Child. Not much is known about these children yet, as they are mostly still in the toddler stage.

Following characteristics were identified so far:

  • Very loving and generous
  • Mostly in their world
  • Tendency to care for others
  • Can withstand hardship and are very brave
  • Prefer being telepathic

Rainbow Children are also very creative, have a strong persona, are high in energy, and can easily manifest anything they want and need. They express their needs very strongly which may come across as stubborn. But this is not the case as they are born with knowledge on proper character integration. They also have the natural ability to clean toxins from food being immune to junk food. This may happen physically at a very young age until they learn to clear ethereally or spiritually. Rainbow Children are born with no karma, thus living a life with no strings attached to their past. 

I hope you liked my little spiritual excursion and loved learning more about Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children. It’s important to remember that these beliefs solely serve as guidelines and don’t determine that any human is better than the other. But it may help you understand yourself and others around you better which will ultimately help us as a whole to live in peace and harmony. 

After reading this article, I believe you have a clear understanding of Star Children as well as your own opinion. To enhance your spiritual development and show others that you have mysterious powers, you can make your own custom enamel pins, which can add some mysterious elements, such as the crystal ball. It can also be used to decorate your denim jacket and backpack and may even help you see the future.

What are your thoughts about Star Children? Let’s chat in the comments or DM me @madeleinestanev

Signatur Madeleine

71 responses to “What are Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children?”

  1. Ceciley Cordell Avatar
    Ceciley Cordell

    This was the best reading /passage i have read in years it gave me alot of answers and im thankful just for that… be blessed


    1. I’m glad the post served you well. Be blessed as well!


      1. Fantastic job on explaining these star children. Since they have psychic abilities it’s helpful if parents know what they are dealing with. Some remember past lives as well. Some are “new souls” sent specifically to raise the vibration of the earth, according to Deloras Cannon & the work she did as a therapist with hypnotherapy.
        Thank you for such a informative piece, because info is hard to come by since there hasn’t had much time to know the Rainbows! Much Love


      2. I apologize for my terrible grammatical errors in my comment!!


      3. I am asking a question regarding an elephant in the room what are your thoughts of the seeded children coming through from the ages 12yrs old to @ 17yrs old at the moment that I would say are the anti crystals, they are trouble making and sent to test the system it seems. I believe you can’t just have the all the good and wonderful seeds coming in without the waves of Anti good. I find there is a group of kids coming through that are anti everything crystal. they are strong willed. stubborn, self centred, entitled, can be quite mean and will test us. I am an indigo and have both a crystal child who is now 20 and an anti crystal that is 16yrs old. They couldn’t be more opposite. I work in school and noticed there is a group of kids between 12 to 17 that show similar traits to my 16 yr old anti crystal they just don’t care about anything. they seem somewhat disillusioned they have ADHD tendencies and anxiety. I love both my children but the younger one is diabolical compared to the other. I am not the only parent experiencing this a lot of parents I have spoken to are telling me they are having similar issues. What are your thoughts about the opposite seeds coming through. We do live in a duality after all, I think as with the good seeds must come the bad..


      4. I think they need even more loving guidance from us to be sent back to the right path. They are testing us and our integrity. And you are right, there is not good without bad. The world consists of opposites to be in balance. But I also believe that they will eventually convert to the good side when met and treated with love and respect. Also let them fly free to make their own experiences. Eventually they will have learned everything they needed to and come back a changed person.


      5. @Maree As a Crystal Child Scout/Indigo hybrid I feel inclined to inform you that I came into the world at a critical point in my mothers life. My brother was 2 years old when my mother and father met. My father is a class A narcissist whom abused my brother and mother which in return made me suffer for it. Thankfully I was rescued by my step father whom raised me with love and compassion. Madeleine is right. As Starchildren we are all susceptible to corruption even though it does need to be an acute dose. My advice is to find out where the corruption is coming from and remove it from the childs life. —-May the Everlight shine through you.


    2. Charllise Belgar Larden Avatar
      Charllise Belgar Larden

      Absolutely wonderful article. Thank you for sharing it.


      1. I found glimpses of the archetypes in Doreen Virtues Angels series’ but no concretely gathered info on all the Indigo, star archetypes and how they differ.


    3. Loved this read. Would like more details on possible physical appearances for each type. As I read years ago.. If I’m not mistaken… crystal babies are know too have very big eyes. Perhaps my memory isn’t serving me right. Please correct me if I’m wrong. TY


  2. Mariea Coffer Avatar
    Mariea Coffer

    I loved this as I am researching Rainbow Children for my daughter whom I suspect is. Very informative information and I think I have a very special little girl. 😊


    1. Happy to hear that! I’m sure you do! So exciting 😊


    2. Aparajitha Jayakumar Avatar
      Aparajitha Jayakumar

      Dear Mariea, did you find any books about rainbow children that you find interesting?


      1. @Aparajitha no I have not. Have you found any?


      2. Delores Cannon was a therapist for nearly 40 yrs who healed through hypnotherapy. When people brought up past lives she healed the trauma from those.
        At one point people under hypnotherapy began to say they had no past life. She identified these “new souls” as the “3 waves” depending on when they were born, with much overlapping. She kept meticulous records of these sessions, about where these “new souls” came from. She wrote 20 books based on this information.
        On YT you can hear her explain it in ” The three waves & the New Earth”. Much Love


      3. Try Deloras Cannon. She wrote 20 books based on her hypnotherapy sessions as a therapist. It may be called “The 3 waves & the New Earth”. The 3 waves are the Indigo’s, Crystal & Rainbow. She began in the 60’s. That info is on YT as well, under the same name. Much Love


    3. One of the signs are that they display a maturity beyond their years. They can also ‘see’ clearly so its no good trying to tell an untruth in front of them.


      1. Oh my goodness this is so my daughter! She seems to be well beyond her years. Everyone always says this girl been here before. And I have experienced the untruth before. Thanks for the info 😊


    4. What about children born in 2019 , what are they called please ?


    5. I’m an Indigo of the Emerald Oraphim of the Elohei, of the Eckatic Primal Sound Field, blue/emerald founders flame, Salutations.

      I have to tell you all, there’s so much information on Indigos that is distorted.

      This vessel is 32 years old as of 2023..

      Please read things about us that are written by us,

      thank you.


      1. Wow ok will do thx!


      2. Would love to… any suggestions?


  3. Mariea Coffer Avatar
    Mariea Coffer



  4. Aparajitha Jayakumar Avatar
    Aparajitha Jayakumar

    Hi Madeleine this is such a great read! Are there any books about these children that you recommend? I found some books for Indigo children but not much for Rainbow children. I have small kids and I am trying to learn if they fit in any of this. Thank you!


    1. Hey,

      thank you so much. No, unfortunately I don’t know about any books. This topic is relatively new so maybe books will come out in a few years. Let me know if you find something 🙂


      1. Aparajitha Jayakumar Avatar
        Aparajitha Jayakumar

        Sure will do! I just started listening to a book by Doreen Virtue on Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children. Some of the reviews say the book doesn’t talk much about rainbow children, so I’ll let you know what I find! 🙂


  5. […] (Note : Enclosed is a link to another blog that describes the characteristics of Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow children – https://madeleinestanev.com/2020/01/22/indigo-crystal-and-rainbow-children/) […]


    1. This was a very interesting read thank you for the good energy. Came across your piece after a quick search on the topic following a book Im reading I picked up because my wife and I experienced with our toddler of “knowing things.” Never have I heard of these names defined before until today. However, its apparent these traits have been running in my fams generations since my great grandmother, who was a shaman healer in her community. The only difference is in the chronological order. I believe my daughter shows signs of a star child, I have experienced an Indigo childhood, my mother definitely fits the rainbow profile, and my great grandmother-crystal being the healer she was.


      1. Wow this sounds so amazing! I‘m glad I could shed some light on the topic with my post. Wishing you Merry Christmas.


      2. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
        Robert T Rockwell

        Just a reminder that this garbage is ablist, Nazi bullshit.
        You’re a bunch of fucking fascist pieces of human shit.


      3. The hatred you are spewing is far more disturbing than the thought this may be made up. These children are psychic, they grow up psychic. As for your “content” being addressed, I will do so. I don’t know why you think this is a white people phenomenon, but nothing could be less true. A high percentage of Black people fall into these categories, a short amount of research proves that, as well as psychic gifts being spread to all races in every corner of the world.
        The threat of these children growing up entitled is absurd, if this happens, it would happen regardless of these labels.
        Entitlement, lack of empathy, & exploitation of others, including parents to children, is caused by the personality disorder NPD. And positively regardless of whether these labels are applied.
        Your spewing of hatred, issues with race & the Nazi’s, & ignorance (as all racism is based on ignorance) is the only unhealthy issues in these comments.
        Perhaps you should look within, or go watch MJ’s “Man in the Mirror” video. Which my little one loved since before she could speak & still does she has such deep empathy for ALL humans
        Watch the video.
        I’m a child psychologist, everything I stated is FACTS. Much Love


      4. Try the 3 Waves & The New Earth by Deloras Cannon. She wrote over 20 books based on hypnotherapy sessions she did as a therapist. The 3 waves are when patients under hypnosis began telling her they were “new souls”. She asked “Then why are you here?” They all answered the same ” I heard the call”. These souls volunteered to come to earth from all over the Universe & Solar system to specifically raise the vibration of Earth. Also on YT under the same name, & I believe the timeline is off for complicated reasons, such as time not being linear anywhere but Earth, & results in families such as yours. Much Love


  6. Thank you for your words i have never herd of them before I always new there was something different about myself and also my children


  7. […] Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children https://madeleinestanev.com/2020/01/22/indigo-crystal-and-rainbow-children/ […]


  8. Ramon Cortez Avatar
    Ramon Cortez

    Sounds like a lot of self-convinced BS to me, and I tried hard not to laugh at most of it, unsuccessfully. There are just too many people around who are so truly mediocre that they project their vacuum-called-life on their children. Pity, that. But with any kind of luck enough of the parents will be involved in cults – and enough of the “crystal” children will end up in long-term therapy – that I won’t have to face their overweening, entitled, spoiled-rotten existence.


    1. Thank you for your honest opinion. With everything in life, some things resonate and some not. As long as you are meeting your child with enough love and respect, they will be alright


    2. Talk about rude and ignorant. Basically because you don’t believe it, it’s BS that’s laughable if anything is 🤣


      1. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
        Robert T Rockwell

        It’s Nazi bullshit. Go fuck yourself


    3. Entitled children come from the personality disorder NPD. These labels are incapable of producing the kind of people you are referring to, even if they are mistaken.
      This is you projecting your issues onto the people commenting here & these children are high in empathy by definition, born to parents high in empathy. If mistaken & they have NPD, these labels wouldn’t matter at all.
      Be concerned with your own heart & soul, & why you feel the need to put others down. These people are psychic by definition, something I’m going to guess is beyond your understanding, as psychic people are spiritual & full of love, not hate.
      Look within. All the answers are within yourself, not in this comment section. Much Love


      1. I find you entertaining, you’ve probably worked rather hard to construct a reality where you feel so “enlightened”. It does seem like you probably spend a lot of time in your own head. You dedicated your school & career to figuring out who you are and what that means… which is nice because it somehow emboldens these types of people to show off the red flags they’ve dedicated most of their energy towards.
        Subjective data is anecdotal information that comes from opinions, perceptions or experiences.
        Objective data is information observed through your senses of hearing, sight, smell, and touch while assessing the patient.
        As a healthcare provider working with children you should know you can’t base facts on subjective data alone. Referring to your subjective opinions as a FACT based on credential could easily fit a NPD which you repeatedly reference. A lot of psychologists think getting a masters mean they’ve overcome the problem that all their studies clearly state has no cure (this is a huge red flag. Try challenging their beliefs & reality. The response frequently reveals they are the opposite of open minded or enlightened…. They are weak & bond their construct that holds them i their place in the world).
        You have to be someone with NPD or a psychologist to truly believe their “internal knowing, enlightens” them because all the subjective data they studied say it’s not possible…. My approach to people like this is; it’s far easier to just pretend you believe them. Challenging them will likely trigger their underlying personality disorder, and they respond with accordingly with baseline contempt because they have no room for anything that might disolve their internal construct (they usually so self aware being enlightened from within 😂😂😂😂 100% sarcasm).
        They usually won’t interact unless they tell you “what” they are; as it is very important to them but not apparent to others. Teach your children to recognize & run from these traits. Please, please, please for the Love of God understand what leads people to become mental health professionals so you don’t launch your children into the arms of someone who talks like they have something to prove. These anr not attributes of someone who is free themselves. Consequently have little hope of freeing anyone else & you will pay money with as smile to have someone twist your child into something that resembles them🤮🤮🤮🤮

        Much Love


  9. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
    Robert T Rockwell

    This is all a bunch of ableist bullshit that burdens already struggling children with the necessity of being special.
    Hot dumpster water.


    1. Thank you for your honest opinion.


    2. It makes me sad you are so angry. Watch “Man in the Mirror” by MJ. If nothing else it’s an award winning video for it’s coverage of history. “Heal the World” is great as well. Try to heal. Sending you love & healing


      1. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
        Robert T Rockwell

        The insistence to focus on personal change instead of systemic change is propaganda bullshit.

        Thanks for referring me to a disgusting fucking pedophile.

        Go fuck your whore mother


  10. Isn’t it fascinating that it’s the two male comments that try to bring negativity and darkness to millennia of common knowledge and acceptance and peace between kindred spirits. An apple a day boys… Eye opening read, peace be with y’all 🙌


    1. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
      Robert T Rockwell

      ugh… how typical of charlatans, to attribute my disgust at your bigotry to my maleness, rather than make any attempt to address the content of my comment.
      This entire movement has fucking nothing to do with folk or indigenous or ancient or pagan religions or spirituality.
      It is rooted in eugenics, racism, and ableism, and it is literally part of the alt right/white supremacy pipeline.

      truly fucking disgusting.


  11. Thank you for sharing post.
    I’ve known my little one was different from a very young age. At 18 months old she had more empathy than most adults. Anyone who spends even an hour with her will tell you that she has a beautiful soul that shines so bright. My neighbor suggested that she might be a combination of crystal and rainbow… looking for resources so that I may help nurture her beautiful soul.


    1. Wow this sounds so incredible. My little boy is also a ball of light. He shines so bright and you just get in a good mood being around him. We are so blessed to have such incredible children. They are much needed on this world.


  12. Tammy I’ve known my little was special at a young age as well! Oh she amazes us every single day and is such a joy!! Maybe we can connect to share resources and stories!! 😊


  13. This is a wonderful summary, thank you! I do feel many of these characteristics can be overlapped in some star children. Blessings and prayers of protection for all of these beautiful souls here to help us ascend at this time.


  14. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
    Robert T Rockwell

    Still just as utterly disgusting and ablist as the first time that I read it.
    Fucking gross… try harder


    1. As you find it all so offensive maybe don’t read it??


      1. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
        Robert T Rockwell

        So, in your humble opinion, the best response to harm ablest rhetoric is to ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist?
        Yeah, fuck right off with that shit.


  15. […] number of children born around that time with indigo auras. The majority of indigo children were born in the 1980s and 1990s, though some are still being born […]


  16. […] number of children born around that time with indigo auras. The majority of indigo children were born in the 1980s and 1990s, though some are still being born […]


    1. Thanks Madeleine, get sense of your spirituality. Appreciate you not blocking or censoring the angry gentlemen. Also, As one poster said: hear about us from us.
      There is a lot of bandwagoning and passive aggressiveness from linear 2D lower base fear chakra feminists that try to hijack these spaces. Josie take a back seat. Again thanks for the article Madeleine, and divine feminine energy, more required


  17. […] number of children born around that time with indigo auras. The majority of indigo children were born in the 1980s and 1990sthough some are still being born […]


  18. “Upleveling” made me giggle. Ascension. ASCENDING.
    And yes, currently Earth is the middle of Ascension cycle #2 . I wish I could post a picture of this chart I have. It’s on ChristosAvatarAscension.com


  19. My son , a rainbow child born yr 2000 recently died a bizarre death resembling a Hollywood story, he was type O rh negative blonde hair blue eyed and could recite a long book from the bible only minutes after reading it. At his funeral an old lady whom I’ve never saw but that one time came to me and told me she was confused about me bc I was a watcher and a starseed. I don’t know what that means, however she also said that my son “was not of this world”. Who was this lady? I will never know.


  20. A little while back I had a random interaction with a woman. It was quick, I don’t even remember what about it was so brief. But she said I have gorgeous big blue eyes and “you’re a rainbow child, like me”. Not a question, no doubt in her voice at all… just stated as fact that I’m a rainbow child. I haven’t been able to find much about it at all until this article. The description is pretty on point except I was born in 1980. Thoughts? Either way, I consider it quite a compliment that a stranger said that about me, true or not ❤️❤️


    1. Wow this is so wonderful and magical that this happened to you! It‘s totally fine that you were born earlier on. A few were send earlier to Earth to test the ground. Grateful to have you here🙏🏼


  21. ABBA songs are a great tool for these to empowee and identify with others


  22. Robert T Rockwell Avatar
    Robert T Rockwell

    Just one more reminder that this is utter ableist bullshit, steeped in white supremacy culture, and comprised of misunderstood bits stolen from the traditions of other cultures.

    Fucking kill yourself, you fascist fucking cunt.


  23. Thank You. Fantastic. Appreciate You.


  24. Thank you for taking the time to put this blog together 🙏🏻 As an early stage Crystal, and I struggle with labels and the parameters around them as it creates too much inner friction (but it does help me ground in knowing of “self” in this polarized world so I can understand the benefit), the one thing I will add is the reason for the “fascination” or obsession with crystals is our ability to integrate the frequencies of the crystals or crystal tech we come in contact with. Once integrated we generally don’t need them anymore as we are sustained on the frequency and can use them at will in the work we do. As we level up in frequency, though, we may seek out new crystals or crystal tech to sustain us, but we may not need them eventually. At least that’s the case with me. I will add that everyone on this planet has the capacity to absorb and integrate crystal frequencies, everything is a spectrum at the end of the day. Hope that makes sense. 💗🙏🏻


    1. Thank you for sharing! Sounds very beautiful😊


  25. Hello, my name is Karoline this was a fascinating read. I am passionate about spirituality, my beliefs, and star children groups. I closely identify with a rainbow child I was born in 1998, and I have a big imagination I like to wear colors according to my mood or I wear them to radiate a certain kind of energy. I am blessed to be a rainbow child sent down from planets that aren’t Earth spiritually.


    1. Krzysztof Robert Czekanska Avatar
      Krzysztof Robert Czekanska

      Earth is only spirit thanks to make believe’ Say you love thy neighbour yet they don’t like you for various reasons and have a negative gearing toward your house and land’ So you make believe they are all beautiful like you despite the circumstance.
      I love God and Grace and will always believe in Buddhist teachings and Falun gong teachings.
      Most people are bull-shitting themselves despite reality being cruel.
      Kids in early learning need to be taught about what their destructive emotions can and will impact everyone’ not just through school high school or uni.
      Some people want to fuck it up for a select few for the same old envious reasons’ good looks, a car, a house, a wife…
      God HELP US ALL.


  26. I’ve only recently discovered my place in a whole new reality that I openly confess used to sound ‘airy fairy’. I wouldn’t say I was a non-believer but I was definitely skeptic. My mother has been keeping her gift and awareness, secret from everyone she knew for fear of being ridiculed. I’d noticed throughout my childhood that she was spookily accurate with predictions and somehow always knew when a crisis was around the corner. She didn’t open up to me until last year, explaining how she could see my rainbow aura at birth. That sounded pretty cool but I had no idea what it meant. I was born 11 months after my brother died in an accident. Having 2 older sisters meant I wasn’t exactly what they’d hoped for but my mother is convinced I was a born a rainbow baby to help through unimaginable grief. Perhaps someone could offer some insight or thoughts on that? Seeing as i predate the rainbow babies from the above article by several decades?

    Unfortunately I’ve never felt the intuition or psychic powers that my mother possesses, but I have embarked on a journey of discovery and enlightenment. My ‘lightbulb’ moment came when I saw my aura. I actually teared up. My hands hold a torquoise aura while the rest of me looks like I’ve run through a rainbow and it stuck! The shroud of mingling colours forming a halo around my head and shoulders that glows at varying brightness (depending on my focus).

    I have no history of mental illness and have never felt more grounded and aware. I’m reading as much as I can on the subject and I’m looking forward to exploring my potential. Obviously my relationship with my mother is now next level as she has validation. .. from me anyway!

    This hasn’t changed my life, it’s not a magic wand or a free pass to happiness. But being enlightened has opened my mind and I’m discovering new ways to walk my path while becoming the best version of me.

    I’m grateful for my open mind and my Mother, because ignorance is the biggest obstacle to living your best life.

    so yeah, that’s my story so far. Thanks for reading! 😊


  27. […] the forefront of human evolution, Crystal children embody a profound spiritual connection from birth. Their empathetic nature and deep sense of purpose […]


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